Vietnam Airlines Techcombank Visa Classic

Live every moment to the fullest

Who can register?

People who have income from 10,000,000 VND/month

Card Benefits

Vietnam Airlines Accumulation (*)

Annual fee return (**)

No interest up to 45 days

0% instalment interest rate

Card Features

Contactless payment


Tap the contactless card to pay quickly and conveniently

3D Secure Technology


Apply the world's leading security technology to verify online transactions

Easy card management on Techcombank Mobile


Pro-actively lock/ unlock, manage credit limits and other online convenient features

24/7 Support


Techcombankk always accompanies and ready to meet the needs of customers anytime, anywhere



Priority customer

Techcombank Inspire customer

Regular customer

ISSUANCE FEE (based on new credit agreement)*




ANNUAL FEE (annually, based on the validity period of card)



390,000 VND/card

FOREIGN TRANSACTION FEE (applicable for all transactions not conducted in vnd)

2.95% of transaction amount

2.95% of transaction amount

2.95% of transaction amount

SWITCHING COST FOR INSTALMENT TRANSACTIONS VIA CREDIT CARD (collected from cardholders who registered to switch from normal payment transaction into instalment transaction)

0.6%/ month * transaction value * instalment period (Instalment period from 1 month to maximum of 12 months)
*Instalment transaction value as regulated by Techcombank periodically

View all fees →

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Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs)

How many classes does Techcombank Visa have and what is the credit limit of each class?

Techcombank Visa includes 5 classes: 
- Techcombank Visa Classic: credit limit from 10 million VND to less than 50 million VND
- Techcombank Visa Gold: credit limit of 50 million VND or more
- Techcombank Visa Platinum: credit limit from 90 million VND or more
- Techcombank Visa Signature: credit limit from 120 million VND or more
- Techcombank Visa Infinite: limited release for high-end customers of Techcombank

At which ATMs can I use Techcombank Visa Classic ?

You can use Techcombank Visa at all ATM systems in affiliate network with Visa. Please be aware that withdrawing your cash via Visa cards will be charged according to the fees of each bank in affiliate network

How can I increase the credit limit of online payment ?

You can totally change the credit limit of online payment via Techcombank Mobile 

  • Step 1: Login Techcombank Mobile app 
  • Step 2: Select "Card and Account", choose a card you want to change the credit limit 
  • Step 3: Select "Card Management - Transaction limit 
  • Step 4: Select transaction limits you want

Caution: To adjust transaction limits over 600 million VND/day, please visit nearest Techcombank branches for assistance 

What I need to do to open a Techcombank credit card?

In case that you are an existing customer of Techcombank, you can open a Techcombank credit card with pre-approved limit 100% online via Techcombank Online.

Or you can visit nearest Techcombank branches for assistance. Find a nearest branch here

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