Flexible principal withdrawal deposit

Actively, flexibly withdraw money in installments and keep the same level 
interest rate applied to the remaining principal held until maturity

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Flexible principal withdrawal deposit

Accompanying customers in proactively managing their finances flexibly and optimizing profit for the deposit, enjoying life with peace of mind, Techcombank officially launched the product "Flexible principal withdrawal deposit" allowing customers to withdraw a part or all of the principal amount before maturity, the remaining principal amount is still interest-preserved at the interest rate determined at the time of opening the initial deposit.


Active and flexible

  • Can withdraw a part of the principal before maturity without having to settle the entire deposit

  • Unlimited number of withdrawals

Profit optimization

The principal portion maintained to the Maturity Date: Retained and applied at the interest rate determined at the time of opening a new deposit.

Convenience easy

Actively transact anytime, anywhere on Techcombank Mobile or deposit/withdraw money easily at all Techcombank transaction points



At the counter Techcombank Mobile




1-12 months, 15 months, 18 months, 24 months and 36 months


20,000,000 VND 5,000,000 VND


5,000,000 VND 1,000,000 VND


Fixed for the duration of the submission. Check it out here 


Interest is paid to Savings Account as designated by the Customer at the end of the period or when the Customer withdraws before maturity


Allowed to prepay part or all of the deposit before maturity and enjoy interest rates on demand


At the date of participating in the product, the customer chooses one of the following methods when it is due:
- Automatic settlement, principal, and interest will be automatically transferred to Customer's Savings Account opened at Techcombank;
- Automatic rotation of the original to a new term; interest paid to Customer's Savings Account;
- The principal and interest are automatically revolving to the new term.

Terms and Conditions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can customers deposit more money into the Flexible Principal Withdrawal Deposit?

No. As for the already opened Flexible Principal Withdrawal Deposit account, the Customer cannot deposit more money into the deposit itself.

How flexibly can customers receive the principal/interest of the Withdrawal Deposit?

The principal/interest is paid to the Customer's Savings Account opened at Techcombank at the end of the term or when the Customer withdraws all or part of the principal before the maturity date. The default interest-receiving savings account is the account selected by the customer to deduct money at the time of registration to open the Flexible Withdrawal Deposit or the account that the customer designates to receive payment upon pre-payment/withdrawal.

How flexible is the interest rate of the Withdrawal Deposit?

The interest rate applied to the Flexible Withdrawal Deposit is fixed throughout the deposit term. In case the customer withdraws a part before maturity, the interest rate determined at the time of deposit opening is still preserved for the remaining balance of the deposit until the due date.

In case the customer withdraws before maturity, the demand interest rate will be applied, up to the lowest demand deposit interest rate issued by Techcombank at the time of payment of the early withdrawal deposit for the amount withdrawn before maturity. according to the actual number of days to maintain the pre-mature withdrawal balance.

How many times can a customer withdraw before maturity in the deposit period?

Customers are allowed to withdraw as many times as they want without any limit on the number of withdrawals. However, the minimum withdrawal amount is 5 million for the over-the-counter channel and 1 million for the online channel and must ensure to maintain the minimum deposit amount on the account at 5 million for the over-the-counter channel and 1 million for the online channel.

Customers want to change the account to receive the principal of the deposit, can it be a flexible withdrawal of the principal?

Okay. The customer can change the payment account to receive the principal but must ensure that the account is the customer's own and opened at Techcombank.

- Transaction channel at the counter: Customers can make a change request at any time during the deposit period.

- Online transaction channel: Customers can change account information to receive interest at the time of withdrawal.

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