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Techcombank is an official agent of Western Union with nationwide network across Vietnam, allows customers to receive overseas inward in USD or VND in an always fast and convenient manner.
Remit to recipient’s account in overseas from customer’s account at Techcombank in various foreign currencies.
You can transfer from overseas to your foreign currency account or VND account at the bank.
To receive EURO transferred by your family member from abroad, you must have EURO account opened at Techcombank. It is very easy to open a EURO currency account: visit the Techcombank's branch where your VND account is opened, fill in the application for opening foreign currency account and deposit a minimum balance of 20 EURO in cash (you should prepare this 20 EURO note in advance, because the bank are not allowed to sell foreign currencies to individuals according to its regulation). Then, you provide your EURO account number, Techcombank’s SWIFT (VTCB VN VX) and the address of the Techcombank branch where you are making the transaction for your family member.
Regarding receiving cash, there are 2 possibilities:
To remit to your family members' EUR account in overseas, you can use your available fund on EUR account or buying EUR from Techcombank. It is very simple to come to the nearest branch, fill up a remittance request with beneficiary's account and provide related documents.