Techcombank Mobile

Explore Techcombank Mobile

Simple, easy experience
Manage your money confidently

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Simple and secure

Maximum security in a minimal design

Safe transactions with the latest and most advanced security method (FIDO UAF)

Simplify your banking experience

Banking transactions become simpler for all users

Manage all accounts and cards at your fingertips

Everything is integrated on a single platform, giving you an overview of your finances

Financial and investment management

Intuitive user interface, smart suggestions

Planning your income and expenses, and conquer your financial goals with confidence

Start your investments now

Optimize your cash flow, not missing any opportunity.

Manage multiple investments on just one platform

Everything is integrated in one intuitive interface, helping you manage your finances with confidence

Pay anytime, anywhere

Manage all invoices on one platform

No need to worry about managing bills for everyday life, Bills management is no longer a concern; all bills are now in one convenience place

Cashless payment with QR code

Shop confidently with just your phone without carrying a card with the QRcode payment feature at the wide store system.

Make transaction by scanning personal QR code

Super-fast transfer with your own personalized QR code, use the QR code to receive money in a snap.

QR payment receipt solution

Bringing "Super Fast Payment - Super Easy Operation" experience to household and retail businesses

Bringing "Super Fast Payment - Super Easy Operation" experience to household and retail businesses

Start using Techcombank now

Set up automatic payment, get 50% voucher

Up to 100,000 VND for the first time setting up automatic bill payment

Do you need help?

How to be eligible for using Techcombank Mobile application?


Customers need to open a payment account at Techcombank, have an Internet-connected device which runs at iOS 14.0 or higher, or Android 7.0 or higher to be able to install and use Techcombank Mobile.

New customers who have not used Techcombank's products and services can register to open an account and register to use online digital banking service right on the app without going to the bank.

How can I make a 24/7 transaction on Techcombank Mobile?


On the new Techcombank Mobile application, we have simplified the customer experience, whereby all transactions are defaulted to 24/7 instant transfer to ensure the fastest and completely free transactions.
In some cases where the beneficiary bank does not support 24/7 express transfer or the transaction amount does not meet the transaction limit from 50,000 VND to 500 million VND of 24/7 express transfer, your transaction will be processed as a regular interbank transfer (the recipient will receive the money within the next day or the next working day at the latest)

How is a QR code transfer different from a regular money transfer?


A regular money transfer will need a lot of information such as account number, recipient's name. If the transfer is not a quick transfer, it also needs information about the receiving bank and branch. For QR code, only 1 QR code is needed to make a transaction without having to manually enter the recipient's account information, which minimizes errors in the transaction process.

You can watch the video tutorial on how to use QR code to transfer money:


Start experiencing Techcombank Mobile today!

The simplest and most advanced mobile banking app

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