Frequently Asked Questions


Some basic knowledge/questions
about TCEF and TCBF Fund

What fees and taxes customers have to pay when selling Fund Certificates?

Fund Fee for Repurchase of Fund Certificates and Personal Income Tax

When is the latest time for customers to sell Fund Certificates to receive money to buy (trading day is called T day)?


What is the minimum amount when customers buy Fund Certificates?

10,000 VND

Are Open Fund Certificates listed?

Unlike Public Closed Fund certificates, Open Fund certificates are not listed. Customers can make transactions at the Fund's designated Distribution Agents.

How long is the term of the Certificate?

Fund Certificates do not determine maturity

What fees and taxes do Fund Certificates Investors have to pay?

Fund Certificate Issuance Fee (Fee to buy Certificate) and Money Transfer Fee (if any)

Can a Client sell a portion of Fund Certificates?

Yes, at least 10 (ten) Fund Units

What is NAV?

It means the net asset value of the Fund, determined by the total market value of assets and investments owned by the Fund minus the Fund's liabilities as of the most recent day before the Valuation Date

What is the Fund Certificate Trading Date?

The date a customer can buy, sell, convert the Fund or transfer Fund Units. Currently, trading date is all working days of the week (excluding Saturday)

How many Fund Certificates does a customer own to attend the general meeting of investors?

Just be an Investor who owns Fund Certificates

What is the minimum order to sell Fund Certificates?

10 (ten) Fund Units, except where the Sell Order requires reducing the number of Fund Units held to 0 (zero)

Which bank supervises TCBF, TCEF?

Standard Chartered Bank Vietnam Limited

What is the minimum balance of Fund Certificates a customer must keep in his/her investment account?

No minimum balance required

Expected date to receive money when selling TCEF Fund Certificates (trading date referred to as T-day)?

T+3 (excluding Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays)

What is a bond investment fund?

As an open-ended fund that invests in bonds and valuable papers with the investment proportion in these assets accounting for a maximum of eighty percent (80%) of the net asset value

What is the order book closing time?

It is the last time the distributor receives orders to buy and sell Fund Certificates from customers

When do customers need to successfully transfer money to buy Fund Certificates to the Fund account?

Before closing the order number

Expected date to receive money when selling TCBF Fund Certificates (trading date referred to as T-day)?


When is the time to close the order book if the trading day is called T day?

14h45 on T-1

How is the FlexiCA$H Fund different from TCBF and TCEF funds?

FlexiCA$H Fund's investment strategy and portfolio differ from TCBF and TCEF. FlexiCA$H Fund invests mainly in government bonds, bank bonds, and certificates of deposit with high liquidity and flexibility. Therefore, FlexiCA$H Fund's customers are short-term investors under 03 months with an expected return rate of 6%/year.

What is FlexiCA$H Fund?

FlexiCA$H Fund is an abbreviation of Techcom Flexible Bond Investment Fund, an open-ended fund managed by Techcom Fund Management Company

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Some basic knowledge/questions
about iBond bonds

What is the minimum value of an iBond corporate bond contract?

1,000,000 VND

On what days can customers participate in buying iBond corporate bonds?

All working days (except weekends and public holidays)

Can customers use iBond as a collateral to borrow at Techcombank?

Yes, iBond approved by Techcombank can be accepted as collateral for loans following Techcombank's lending policy from time to time.

Is the end-of-term investment yield of iBond bonds, as announced by TCBS, subject to personal income tax?

No. Investment yield received by customers is the value after tax

The policy "Bigger purchase, lower price" applies to which customers?

All customers who buy TCBS iBond Prix corporate bonds. TCBS will apply the incentive level according to the amount of money customers have been investing in bonds at TCBS. Specifically, customers will enjoy two incentives in 1 investment:

  1. Step-up incentives on the current transaction value (based on the bond's face value) (VIP 1)
  2. Step-up incentives are calculated on the iBond Prix transaction value customers make and the bond invested value (including all valid bond trading contracts purchased through TCBS or from other customers on iConnect) (VIP2)

Can customers who buy iBond corporate bonds receive bond interest (coupon) according to the bond's regulations?

Customers who buy bonds are entitled to all benefits of Bondholders, including the right to receive bond coupon (if the customer still owns bonds at the nearest record date before the coupon payment date)

After completing the iBond bond purchase, what documents does TCBS provide me with?

Customers can review the signed online contract at TCInvest. In addition, TCBS may issue customers one stamped transaction confirmation.

When does the profitable coupon program apply?

Customers can choose to participate in the coupon program when ordering iBond bonds (excluding purchases in iConnect)

For the iBond Pro 180 product, what investment terms can the customer have?

Terms could be equivalent to the remaining term of the bond or at every full six months from the purchase date (detailed of brokerage date is in the Brokerage Contract) in the condition that there is no event of breach according to the Information Disclosure of the Company represented by the bondholder asked to declare the maturity of the bond.

For iBond Pro 360, Pro180, and Pro90 products, on the last brokerage day, if the customer chooses to continue holding the bond until maturity, what procedures should they follow?

The customers do not have to do anything

How long is the term of loan products pledge bond?

Up to 12 months but not exceeding the remaining term of the bond

For the iBond Pro 90 product, what investment terms can the customer have?

Terms could be equivalent to the remaining term of the bond or at every full three months from the purchase date (detailed of brokerage date is in the Brokerage Contract) in the condition that there is no event of breach according to the Information Disclosure of the Company represented by the bondholder asked to declare the maturity of the bond.

What is the meaning of the benefit coupon program?

TCBS will buy TCBF fund certificates using the coupon that is paid periodically to help customers receive higher profits. Earning profitable from coupon.

When choosing a profitable coupon program, do customers have to do anything on each coupon payment occasion?

No, TCBS will automatically execute orders for customers

I have a need to sell bonds after 9 months, which demand should I choose?

You can choose either Fixed Cash Flow or Sustainable Accumulation (with the coupon code remaining 9 months to maturity)

For the iBond Pro 360, what investment terms can the customer have?

Terms could be equivalent to the remaining term of the bond or at every full tweleve months from the purchase date (detailed of brokerage date is in the Brokerage Contract) in the condition that there is no event of breach according to the Information Disclosure of the Company represented by the bondholder asked to declare the maturity of the bond.

Which iBond bond product does not have a predefined brokerage date?

iBond Prix is a product without a brokerage contract. Customers wishing to resell can use the iConnect system.

Which iBond should I choose if I want to hold bonds to maturity?

You can choose Sustainable Accumulation or Pre-determined Cash Flow (planned holding time equal to the holding time to maturity)

In the transaction "Bigger purchase, lower price", when does the contract counted in the client's asset holdings, and used for calculating the VIP2 discount adjustment for the next transaction?

When the transaction is recorded as paid (TCBS successfully cut the money, send a confirmation message to the customer).

In the program "Profitable coupon", the coupon will be reinvested in which products?

Currently, TCBS is only reinvesting in TCBF. TCBF has been growing very steadily for over 8%/year.

If I can't sell bonds on iConnect, can I transfer them to other investors? How is the procedure?

You can actively transfer to other investors by signing a transfer contract at TCBS's head office
Note: TCBS does not support finding partners and calculating the prices.

Why does the same bond code with different products have different yield rate?

TCBS will discount the price based on the bond holding period. The longer the holding period, the more discount the price, and the higher the yield rate customers will receive.

What is Flexible Investment Product?

The product meets the needs of active customers who constantly buy and sell bonds to make a profit. TCBS provides an iConnect trading platform solution to help customers quickly connect, buy, and sell at any time with a successful transaction scale of trillions of dong/month.

Why "Sustainable accumulation" and "Predetermined cash flow" are not allow to trade on iConnect, although they have with the same iBond codes with “Flexible Investment”?

These two products are built based on meeting the investment needs of high-yield rates or guaranteed liquidity. These are outstanding advantages; customers have received a discount on the price immediately upon purchase compared to products being traded on iConnect.

What is the Pre-determined Cash Flow Product?

The product helps customers to choose bonds with a term of less than one year or long-term bonds with guaranteed liquidity of TCBS to ensure that the money received matches the planned cash flow. Better rate than saving for the same holding period.

After I have made a successful transaction, can I change the products?

No. After a successful transaction, you cannot change your choice.

Where is the information of predefined brokage dates and times stated?

It is stated Bonds brokerage contract (HD03)

What is Sustainable Accumulation product?

It is a product that meets the needs of long-term bond investment, holding to maturity with a higher return rate than saving.

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