1. Notes before registering digital signature

  • For the legal representative of the enterprise who already has username on Techcombank Business, you can register digital signature via Techcombank Business (customers need to update the Techcombank Business application to the latest version)
  • For the legal representative of the enterprise who does not have username on Techcombank Business, or the enterprise is using the F@st-Ebank platform, supply chain finance (SCF), you need to do it at a Techcombank branch
  • Digital signatures are applied to Techcombank's digital transactions including:
    • On Techcombank Business: Online bank guarantee, online disbursement, online term deposit, Bao Loc Certificate of Deposit registration, first time QR merchant registration
    • On F@st-Ebanking: Deposit transactions and foreign currency sales
    • Supply chain finance platform (SCF): Disbursement request (proactively created on SCF platform)
  • For customers who already have an existing digital signature, customers still need to register a new one to continue transacting on the digital channel
  • Only register for digital signatures via Techcombank Business or at Techcombank branches; be wary of all other forms (such as invitations to log in via links, phone calls, installation of unknown applications...) to avoid scammers.


2. Registering digital signature on Techcombank Business


Businesses refer and follow the video instructions below

2.2. Step 2: Checker users register Digital Signatures

*Note: Legal representatives user must complete step 1 to verify digital signature registering request from other users


Businesses refer and follow the video instructions below

3. Registering digital signature at a Techcombank branch

Documents required to register for a digital signature at a Techcombank branch:

  • Business registration certificate/ Establishment decision/ equivalent document (Original or certified copy valid within 6 months)  
  • Valid identification document (Original or certified copy valid within 6 months) of:
    • Legal representative of the organization
    • Person registered by the organization for a digital signature
    • Authorized person to receive and deliver documents
    • Person signing the request (in case the person signing the request is different from the legal representative)
    • Legal representative authorizing another person to make the request (in case the person signing the request is different from the legal representative)
  • Authorization letter to receive and deliver documents signed by the legal representative (in case the person delivering and receiving the documents is not the legal representative)
  • Application for digital signature certificate (2 original documents). Businesses download the application form in Bilingual and Vietnamese


- Sample authorization letter to sign the proposal: Bilingual, Vietnamese

- Minutes of delivery and receipt of Digital Signature document

- Application form for each individual in case the individual cannot sign the application (MB03): Bilingual, Vietnamese

- Refer to the instructions for filling out the form here

- Refer to the device update instructions for Techcombank customers here 

- Refer to the instructions for using digital signatures on F@st E-bank here

- Refer to the instructions for digitally signing transactions on the supply chain finance (SCF) platform here


Note: If Vietnamese customers have registered for CMND/Passport, customers should update the information of their identification documents, such as CCCD card with the bank


4. Frequently asked questions when registering digital signature

Access the frequently asked questions about digital signature registration here