A contract between Techcombank and a customer, under which the right buyer (business):
Has the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a certain amount of foreign currency at a predetermined strike rate at the time of the transaction for a specified period in the future.
If the buyer of the option exercises his option, the seller of the option is obligated to sell or buy the amount of foreign currency in the contract at the rate agreed in advance.
Call Option: allows the buyer the right (business) to choose to buy or not to buy foreign currency at the exchange rate pre-determined in the contract.
Put Option: allows the buyer the right (business) to choose whether to sell or not to sell foreign currency at the rate pre-determined in the exercise contract.
Have sufficient documents proving the purpose of foreign currency transactions.
Foreign currency options contracts
Please contact Techcombank HO or call our business hotline for more details
Contact information
Please contact your nearest Techcombank branch or call our Business Support Hotline 1800 588 822 (domestic) or 084 243 944 66 99 (international) for more details.