Compliance with Circular No. 17/2024/TT-NHNN

From July 1, 2025, to ensure uninterrupted cash withdrawals, payments, and card transactions (via digital banking channels, at branches, and on ATM/CDM systems), businesses must:


  • Complete the update of valid Identification Documents (ID) for all Individuals within the organization who have registered transaction information with Techcombank (referred to as "Individuals") before January 1, 2025; and
  • Complete the biometric data submission of the Legal Representative of the account holder (referred to as "Legal Representative") using a valid ID before July 1, 2025


With biometric data supplemented from valid IDs, all organizational transaction requests will be verified more quickly and securely. Additionally, Individuals’ information will be encrypted and protected against fraud and identity theft.


Important notes on ID updates:


  • If information was registered with Techcombank using a 9-digit or 12-digit National ID, the Individual must update a valid new ID before January 1, 2025
  • If information was registered with a passport before October 1, 2024 (if still valid), Individuals with Vietnamese nationality must update their ID with a valid Citizen Identification Card before December 31, 2025
  • If information was registered using a valid ID after January 1, 2025, Individuals must ensure timely updates whenever the current ID nears expiration


Compliance with Circular No. 50/2024/TT-NHNN

From January 1, 2025, to ensure uninterrupted fund transfers and payments via Techcombank Business digital banking, users with the role of "Transaction Creator and Approver" at micro-enterprises operating under simplified accounting rules must:

  • Complete the biometric data submission of the Legal Representative (who also serves as Chief Accountant) using a valid ID before January 1, 2025


How to update biometric data and identification documents

Individuals can complete the process quickly, securely, and safely through two methods:

1. Online via Techcombank Business

  • Applicable to individuals who already have a Techcombank Business account
  • Requires a valid chip-based Citizen ID or Identification Card and an NFC-enabled device with Techcombank Business installed
  • The process takes only a few minutes with step-by-step guidance


2. In person at Techcombank branches/transaction offices

  • Individuals need to bring a valid chip-based Citizen ID or Identification Card (or passport/visa for foreign representatives) to proceed
  • Support will begin in April 2025. Specific timelines will be notified to account holders via email/Techcombank Business digital banking


>>> Refer to our FAQs section for more information


For detailed support, please contact:

  • Your dedicated Relationship Manager
  • Hotline:
    • Vietnamese, English: 
      • 1800 6556 (domestic) - available 24/7 for Vietnamese; business hours for English
      • +84 24 7303 6556 (international) - available during business hours
    • Chinese: 024 3944 6368 (extensions 20278 or 20279) - available domestically and internationally during business hours (*)


(*) Monday to Friday (8:00 AM - 5:00 PM) and Saturday (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM)


From April 2025, the legal representative of the account holder can visit a Techcombank branch to update biometric data.