Receive advance payment from Techcombank based on the value of accounts receivable while no collateral is required
A comprehensive solution ensures safety for credit sale
Receive advance payment from Techcombank based on the value of accounts receivable while no collateral is required
The advance ratio is up to 90% of the buying value of accounts receivable
Techcombank accepts the factoring for accounts receivable which has the remaining payment time up to 180 days
Techcombank supports to manage and collect the accounts receivable by professional processing and monitoring system
Techcombank's parnership banks are big, credible international factoring banks in the interntional finance market, shall verify the reputation of the buyers
Receive credit risk guarantee if the buyer is insolvent if the Business has has fulfilled the delivery obligations in the contract and there is no commercial dispute
Payment currency of accounts receivable can be in: USD, EUR, JPY, HKD and other types of foreign currencies accepted by partner banks
Please feel free to contact the nearest Techcombank branch or call the business support hotline 1800 6556 (local) or 84 24 7303 6556 (overseas) for more information.