Recover password and unlock username
easily on F@st EBank


Salient features

With the features of Password Recovery and Username Unlock, Business can easily operate on the F@st EBank e-banking platform 100% online or contacting support via the call center. (Call Center). These two new features help customers:

Time and cost saving:

  • No need to spend time traveling, waiting for application approval, verifying information at the counter or through Call Center

  • It's completely free to make a request

Safe, proactive, and convenient

  • Enhance security through multiple layers for users

  • The system actively authenticates customers’ information, recover customers’ information in the shortest time

  • Actively recover password or unlock username anytime, anywhere on the F@st EBank e-banking platform

  • Eliminate 100% of documents during claim processing


  1. In order to ensure safety and security for users when using the new feature, Techcombank recommends that Business must correctly declare its personal information when registering with the bank.

  2. Please contact the customer manager or the nearest Techcombank’s branch to check the personal information registered with the bank (ID number/passport; contact phone number; email).

  3. In case the personal information registered with the bank is incorrect or is in common use, please contact the nearest Techcombank’s branch for help in updating information before using the new feature.

Guide for use

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