diamonicon-5bddf9dcae.svg Applies to

  • All Corporate clients of Techcombank.


diamonicon-5bddf9dcae.svg Effective date

  • From September 03, 2024.



diamonicon-5bddf9dcae.svg Amendments of T&C

  • Remove the suspended term because this term no longer exists according to Decree 52/2024/ND-CP regulating non-cash payments effective July 1, 2024
  • Adjust/supplement the set of conditions and terms to ensure compliance with the requirements of the circulars: i) Circular No. 17/2024/TT-NHNN- Regulations on opening and use of payment accounts at payment service providers effective July 1, 2024; ii) Circular 15/2024/TT-NHNN- Regulations on provision of cashless payment services effective July 1, 2024 and iii) Legal regulations and internal regulations of Techcombank from each time 
  • Adjusted/added contents include:
    • Article No. 2 on Notification
    • Article No. 3 on Fees & Taxes
    • Article No. 6 on Termination/Suspension of Provision of Products and Services
    • Article No. 21 on Transactions from Account
    • Article No. 27 on Account Block
    • Article No. 28 on Account Closure
    • Article No. 41 Regulation on users on the Electronic Platform


Please kindly refer to our new General T&C. Techcombank is committed to improving our superior service quality for clients - Your experience is our top priority.

Please CLICK HERE for more information about the new Terms and Conditions


For more information and support, please contact: