SUPERLINK Investment Linked Insurance

More protection – Increased Return – Sustainable wealth

SUPERLINK Investment Linked Insurance

More protection – Increased Return – Sustainable wealth


In order to assist in the sustainable development of businesses, Techcombank has partnered up with Manulife to launch the SUPERLINK investment-linked insurance package for your business’s key employees.

We at Techcombank understands that a healthy and loyal workforce is key to the sustainable development of a company. Therefore, taking good care of employees and business owners is a profitable long-term investment.

Techcombank and Manulife has partnered up to create the SUPERLINK Investment-linked Insurance package

General information

General information

- Participation age: Maximum 69 years old
- Contract termination age: Up to age 99
- Fee payment period: Until the end of the contract term, flexible from the 4th Year
- Periodic payment of fees: Quarterly, half-year or yearly

Outstanding benefits for businesses

Outstanding benefits for businesses

- Optimizing personnel insurance costs
- Comprehensive protection of employees with competitive fees

Outstanding benefits for staffs and employees

Outstanding benefits for staffs and employees

- Protection benefits

Raise employees’ protection benefits up to 200%

- Investment benefits
The insured can invest up to 9 funds - the most on the market and is managed by the industry’s leading experts
Fast payback period

Contact us for customer support

  1. Techcombank 24/7 Customer Service hotline: 1800-6556 (domestic) or 84-24 7303 6556 (international)
  2. Email:

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