Financing Telecoms Enterprises

Financing Telecoms Enterprises

  1. 1. In order to support enterprises timely and effectively.
  2. 2.Techcombank has tailored an exclusive program for contractors of Viettel, Mobifone and VNPT with remarkable benefits

Benefits for Businesses

  • Superior credit policy

  • Commit to accompany enterprises from bid attendance to project completion

  • Simple loan applications

  • A comprehensive credit solution package instead of secured loans as usual

  • Loans up to 100% of Customer's capital needs

  • Loan with insufficient collateral up to 100% of customer's credit needs (guarantee, lending, letter of credit...)

  • Loan to value ratio up to 100% for real estate used as collateral

  • Served by best staff and business units

  • Policy to optimize cash flow

  • Minimum L/C, guarantee deposit only from 0%

  • Competitive prices and fees

  • The more cash in, the more benefits


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