Techcombank | 2021 Annual Report

CASA balance


increased nearly 1.5 times from 2020
Domestic remittance volumes


mainly from digital channels
FX value


with transactions via digital channels 1.8 times higher than 2020
Total value of outward LGs

46.7% YoY

2021 highlight


Scaling host-to-host solutions

In 2021, GTS:

Launched new services

  • Tax collection via a F@st Mobile (Tpay) account link
  • A solution package using Misa accounting software (B2FEB)
  • A fast internet banking file sending service for international money transfers
  • A partnership with NAPAS to implement 24/7 fast money transfer services for corporate clients

Saw 1.5 times more customers register to use H2H services than in 2020

Drove a 417.4% increase in the number of domestic remittances transactions compared to 2020

Digitalisation of supply chain finance (SCF) services

GTS made progress toward converting suppliers and contractors to the online SCF platform. This reduces manual paperwork, streamlining and shortening the disbursement approval process. A contractor can actively choose the disbursement item according to need or set-up automatic disbursement requests. Customers can look up limits, disbursements and debt collection information; all without entering a bank branch.

Product enhancements and process standardisation

Letters of Credit and Guarantee

Standardising the features and operation of LC and LG products has been welcomed by customers and helped improve their experiences significantly.

F@st Ebank (FEB) enhancements

In 2021, there was strong growth in the value of overseas transactions (+53.7% YoY), accounting for 42.2% of cash management fees from corporate customers. We are seeing a big transition from over-the-counter to digital channels.

Agile – Improving project management

In 2021, GTS was the first of our business units to successfully transition to Jira – an agile tool for project management.

The financial market

Our total FX trading value grew by nearly 39.7%, with transactions via digital channels 1.8 times higher than 2020.

LG value

46.7% YoY

Impressive growth in Deferred Letter of Credit product

89.1% YoY

LG value

55.7% YoY

New products and services

State Treasury project

Thanks to outstanding H2H technology capability, GTS helped Techcombank successfully implement the state budget tax collection system.

Digital signatures and 24/7 call centre support

In response to COVID-19, we offeredemaildigitalsignature solutions so business activities and financial transactions could continue during quarantine periods.

Collection services

GTS saw that many companies would like to collect payments fromthirdpartiesviatheBank’s networks and services (e.g. at the counter, terminals, POS, payment gateways, Techcombank app etc.). As a result, GTS piloted processes where a corporate customer could do this through partner channels including referral, master merchant and outsourcing; and also through a payment gateway that accepts their cards.


Most Recommended Transaction Bank in Vietnam

Best Corporate Payment Implementation

Bank of the Year

Leading Market Maker in 2021

NBest Market Maker

Most Active Bank

Top 5 in volume traded banks

The focus for GTS in 2022 trong năm 2022

Digitalisation, data utilisation and people development remain top priorities for 2022.

GTS will focus particularly on

  • Expanding main operating account (MOA) and increasing product penetration through cross-selling, up-selling and engagement
  • Continuously digitalising and transforming to H2H solutions with the targeted growth rate of transaction volume and value at over 100%
  • Maintaining momentum and driving the CASA balance through MOA and accounts for trusts, securities and agencies
  • Diversifying income by driving fees through investment products, CD Bao Loc, overseas remittances, trade and FX flows.

Two important strategic initiatives are:

  • Improving cash and cash product capacity accounts and plans to market
  • Implementing a supply chain sponsorship program.