Reaching for new heights
Sustainability report
Chapter 5 - The foundation of Tech

Sustainability report

This report outlines the Bank’s strategy, progress and ambitions in addressing key environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. Over 2023 we focused on our top five ESG priorities, aligning them with our operations to improve efficiency and effectiveness across the Bank

TCB's ESG key highlights in 2023

Vietnam context

The Vietnamese government has signed up for aspirational targets and increasing regulatory requirements especially focused on climate related areas
Vietnam's commitment
Net zero carbon emission target
Year 2050
Phase out coal-fueled power generation by
Year 2040
Stop deforestation by
Year 2030
Up to 27% Reduction of GHG emission by
Year 2030
30% Female directors or owners of businesses
Year 2050
Accelerating transition to a low carbon intensity economy, while achieving the country's objective to become a high-incom
Key ESG legislation, policy developments and regulations
  • Power Development Plan 8 (PDP84) – ongoing development including the phase-out coals
  • National Strategy on Climate Change for 2050
  • National Environmental protection strategy until 2030 and vision 2025
  • National green growth strategy 3 for 2021 – 2030 period, with a vision by 2050
  • Environmental Protection Law and guideline
  • SBV Directive No.03/CT-SBV on promoting green credit growth and environmental - social risks management in credit granting activities (2015)
  • SBV decision approving the scheme for green banking growth in Vietnam (Decision No.1604/QĐ-NHNN) (2018)
  • SBV Decision on Action Plan of banking industry to implement the National Strategy on Green Growth for the period 2021-2030
  • SBV issued circular 17 on environmental risk management in credit granting activities
  • Decree on GHG emission and ozone layer protection, initial roadmap for domestic carbon market- coming in 2024
  • Labour Code (2019)
  • Decree No. 13/2023/ND-CP on the Protection of Personal Data (2023)
  • Draft revised Consumer Protection Law
  • Law on Banking/ Financial Institutions
  • National strategy for gender equality for the 2021-2030
  • Law on Securities; (2020) Law on Enterprises (2019)
  • HOSE launched Sustainable Development Index (VNSI) (2017)
  • MoF sets out some guidelines on disclosure of information on securities market
  • Established Steering Committee on carrying out COP26 commitment
  • Corporate Governance Code of Best Practices (2019)

Techcombank's ESG framework

Led by our vision of Change banking, Change lives. Uplifting everyone to reach their full potential and our mission to Lead the digital transformation of the financial industry, enabling individuals, businesses, and corporations to progress and thrive sustainably, the Bank seeks to create value for all stakeholders in a sustainable way. ESG is integrated into our long-term business strategy via a comprehensive framework.
In 2023 we strengthened our ESG governance framework by:
  • Setting clear roles and responsibilities for the BOD and CEO in managing and monitoring overarching ESG risk
  • Creating a dedicated sub-committee/ dedicated BOD member for this area
  • Appointing an Executive Committee member, as Executive sponsor to lead the development and deployment of ESG agenda across all areas of the bank and its customer base
Mr. Chakravarti leads our ESG Advisory Board which also includes our CFO and the heads of Corporate and Institutional Banking, Global Transaction Services and Investment Banking. They work together to develop and execute our ESG initiatives, monitor progress, report on our performance and oversee the core ESG team (see diagram below).
Materiality assessment
Key changes we made in 2023 to our materiality assessment are:
Topic #3 – Climate Change

As we deepen our understanding of impacted sectors, we understand the increasing importance of this environmental impact on customers and become better able to support our clients to be more sustainable – considering ESG in their financial solutions and investment opportunities.

Topic #4 – Electricity, water consumption and waste production

We track our power consumption and explore measures to optimise energy usage. The LEED GOLD certification we received for our two head offices can help create new standards for working environments in Vietnam. We have waste minimisation policies in place.

Topic #10 – Workplace health and safety

Our talented team are the Bank’s biggest asset and the foundation for our continued success. They deserve a healthy and safe workplace. The green, friendly working environments of our new head offices, with their Agile design, help optimise space and create open connections between employees so each person feels motivated toward self-development.

Topic #11– Personal data security and privacy

We continue to strengthen our technological capabilities, governance, internal processes and policies to protect our precious data from unauthorised access, use, disruption, modification, or destruction. We do all we can to safeguard who sees our customers’ personal information, such as their card numbers or account balances. Strict data security and privacy standards are crucial to protect the Bank’s reputation and ensure we remain deserving of our customers’ trust.

Topic #15 – Regulatory compliance

Our ability to comply with local regulatory and risk management frameworks. Our drive to meet international benchmarks, sets new industry standards for Vietnam.

Techcombank has policies in place to guide the way we manage the environment in our overall operations. We regularly review and update legal requirements to ensure we are compliant. A member of our Board of Directors is responsible for organising, spreading and implementing environmental policies/issues across the Bank.
Our buildings

In 2023, Techcombank started operating two new world-class energy efficient office buildings (6 Quang Trung, Hanoi and 23 Le Duan, HCMC). Techcombank Tower in HCMC received the ‘Energy Efficiency in Construction Projects 2023’ Award from the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Vietnam Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Association.

Recently, our two Techcombank Towers became the first Vietnamese banking headquarters to be awarded Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).

Electricity and water consumption

The below graph shows Techcombank’s electricity and water consumption for 2023. Now that we are established in our new offices, we will monitor our electricity and water use over time, using 2023 as a baseline.

Waste production

As we streamline operations to make them leaner and more efficient, our reliance on consumables like office stationery and printer ink reduces. At the same time, we are eliminating passbooks, account statements and customer road trips to the Bank.

Our efforts to achieve a greener and more sustainable working environment, with various waste sorting initiatives, also continues. Techcombank staff are expected to minimise the waste they produce by ‘saying no’ to plastic, especially disposables. We encourage:

  • Replacing plastic water bottles with glass jars or cups at meetings, including executive meetings
  • Replacing plastic utensils (chopsticks, spoons, spoons, straws, etc.) with those made from wood, stainless steel or environmentally friendly materials
  • Bringing a personal water bottle or glass for work office use and carrying cloth or paper bags when shopping
  • When buying takeaway, favouring eco-friendly or recyclable food containers
  • Reusing plastic bottles and food containers
  • Saving water
  • Recycling batteries
  • Other.
Business trips

We pay close attention to the carbon admissions of business travel.

TCB pays close attention to the carbon emissions associated with business travel, through tracking and making travel program enhancements over the short and long term. We encourage eco-friendly transportation to reduce our carbon footprint a

Making sustainable investment decisions

Sector and project classification for assessment and appraisal

The environmental and social management system (ESMS) framework at Techcombank – based on requirements of the Environmental Protection Law, SBV Circular & international principles and standards:

Strategic direction on environmental and social policies at Techcombank:

  • The environmental and social management system (ESMS) at Techcombank, including environmental and social risk assessments (E&S), are integrated into business decisions and risk management processes in credit granting activities.
  • Techcombank has clear statements as a direction for the entire system on climate policy, gender equality and land use.
  • Techcombank's ESMS includes policies & processes, instructions; organizational structure, roles and responsibilities of departments; tools for reviewing, classifying and assessing E&S risks; information technology infrastructure.

Techcombank's social and environmental risk management requirements integrated in credit granting activities

  • Techcombank's structural system for social and environmental risk management: Roles and responsibilities of each individual in Techcombank's system: Board of Directors, CEO, Risk Council in charge of E&S Risks, and related Divisions / units such as Risk Management Division, Business Divisions, Finance and Planning Division, Corporate Affair Division, Marketing Division, approval experts and E&S risk officers
  • Requirements for E&S risk identification/classification: Applications for credit and loans will be classified into four (4) categories according to the 2020 Law on Environmental Protection, 2019 Law on Public Investment, Decree No. 08/2022 / ND-CP (Groups I, II, III, IV). In addition, credit applications are also guided to expanding assessment according to international standards (High risk - Group A, medium risk - Group B, low risk - Group C).
  • Requirements for appraisal and approval of E&S risk are actually integrated with the credit granting process.
  • Requirements for control and supervision post disbursement and E&S risk reporting.

Techcombank has updated the current Regulations and issued “Regulations on environmental and social risk management policies at Techcombank” effective from 1 June 2023. Accordingly, the Social Environmental Management System (ESMS) was also updated and completed, contributing to helping Techcombank continue to affirm its pioneering position in complying with legal regulations, while meeting business development goals and protecting the sustainable social environment, keeping ahead banking and financial market trends.

Social responsibility
Techcombank has a strategy, an established governance process and implementation plans and programs to manage our social impact. We clearly identify key stakeholders, the frequency and method of our consultations, and our receipt of feedback and plans (see Stakeholder engagement table above). Our commitment to social responsibility starts within our organisation, then extends into the community.
A member of our Board of Directors is responsible for organising, spreading and implementing social responsibility policies/issues across the Bank.
Treating our employees well

Talent is one of the three key pillars in Techcombank’s five-year strategy. We understand that human resources are a precious asset and pride ourselves on operating a workplace that:

  • Is healthy and safe
  • Is diverse and inclusive
    • 68% Women employees, 61% female managers
    • 16 Nationalities
    • 37% Of employees under 30
  • Prioritises good communication
  • Empowers and rewards people
  • Provides opportunities for staff development
  • Offers competitive remuneration
  • Offers unique benefits, such as–
    • Family health-care packages
    • ‘Ho tro An cu’ program – enabling employees to have a smart, flexible financial plan associated with their career development path
    • An Cu 1, 2, 3 our ‘settled accommodation’ program to assist employees in buying a home
    • Awards for outstanding children of Techcomers
    • Transport for Techcomers to their hometown for family Lunar New Year celebrations
    • Union program.
  • A complaint mechanism for employees who may have grievances.
Diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion can bring many benefits to an organisation. These include faster problem solving, better decision making, increased innovation, greater employee engagement and better financial performance. Techcombank welcomes, and is expanding, opportunities for our multigenerational, multinational workforce; as well as encouraging and promoting gender equality standards. A culture of inclusivity helps us attract and retain talented people from all parts of the community.

Our Focus on ESG for 2024

In 2024 we will further refine our approach to ESG. We will:
  • Develop a deeper understanding of sectors impacted by regulations
  • Provide new product design/solutions for growing the green sector
  • Explore opportunity to become part of the relevant Sustainability Index in Vietnam and region to indicate our growing aspirations in this space
  • Offer diversified training programs on ESG, covering both leadership and functions
  • Enhance relevant Bank processes (e.g. credit underwriting) and platforms (e.g. Data) to support new SBV regulations
  • Review TCB’s footprint for real estate power consumption and related metrics to create a baseline for future comparison
  • Embed ESG as a key pillar into our messaging framework, dialling up ESG messages and sponsoring community events which support sustainability