Reaching for new heights
Chapter 1 - The vision of Tech

A message from Our Chairman

“In 2023, we maintained a laser-like focus on delivering the best possible offerings and experiences for our customers and putting their needs right at the heart of everything we did.”

Ho Hung Anh

Chairman of the Board of Directors
Dear Valued Shareholders, Customers, Partners, and Techcomers,
Vietnam’s economy showed resilience and continued to grow steadily in 2023 despite a challenging international economic environment and inflationary pressures that kept interest rates high, particularly in the first half of the year. Thanks to the industriousness of the Vietnamese people, new Government policies and increased lending by banks, Vietnam’s economy picked up as the year went on and grew a solid 5.1% in 2023. It had good momentum going into 2024.
USD 3 billion
Total profit before tax in the last 3 years
A decade of maintaining profit growth of nearly 40% p.a
Launching pioneering financial solution

Techcombank commemorated its 30th anniversary in 2023. This was a tremendous milestone for the Bank, for me and for every Techcomer. Techcombank has come so far since our modest beginnings 30 years ago to become one of Vietnam's leading banks, delivering a cumulative pre-tax income in excess of USD 3 billion over the last three years, and witnessing a decade of growing profits at a rate of nearly 40% per year.

Throughout our journey we have always worked hard to "Be Greater Together" with the Vietnamese people. We have made sure that our customers and the community have shared in our success and benefited from our progress, and that we have grown together to achieve our full potential.

In 2023, we maintained a laser-like focus on delivering the best possible offerings and experiences for our customers and putting their needs right at the heart of everything we did.

We further enhanced our best-in-market digital platforms and mobile banking apps, enabling us to provide hyper-personalised experiences to customers, including help to manage their finances. We continued to accelerate the launch of industry-leading customer value propositions, such as our pioneering Auto-earning savings solution. And we expanded our ecosystem partnerships to help make every day banking easier and more convenient for people across the country.

Our commitment to our customers enabled us to welcome 2.6 million new customers to the Bank, more than double the number in 2022 and bringing our overall total customers to more than 13.4 million.

While the year was undeniably challenging, our total operating income remained broadly stable, supported by our expanding customer base and strong growth in diversified fee income. Our total deposits grew faster than the market at 26.9% year on year (YoY) while our customer credit grew by 19.2% YoY, also significantly outpacing the industry. I am confident that our transformation strategy and established market-leading digital capabilities mean Techcombank is well-placed for the future.

Our talent is the foundation on which our success is built. Our digital platforms enabled us to engage with our customers more often and bring new offerings to them more quickly. Our bank-wide data lake integrated with cloud-based data analytics and artificial intelligence, has deepened our understanding of customers and is empowering innovations like our new world-class, customer relationship management (CRM) platform.

All of this means that Techcombank entered 2024 in a position of strength, well placed to grow as Vietnam’s economy gathers pace and the operating environment continues to improve

The Board and management team will stay focused on delivering our customer-centric strategy. We remain on course to become one of the leading banks in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) by 2025.

With the trust and companionship of our shareholders, customers and partners, we will continue to lead the transformation of the banking industry in Vietnam for years to come.

Warmest regards,
Ho Hung Anh signature
Ho Hung Anh
Chairman of the Board of Directors