Reaching for new heights
Chapter 5 - The foundation of Tech

Corporate culture

“At Techcombank, we create a culture that fosters excellence, professionalism, collaboration, innovation, empowerment, inclusion and engagement.”

Nikki Dang My Quyen

Chief Human Resources Officer
Nikki Dang My Quyen

A thriving culture

Our Culture Journey program – refreshed in 2022 – is the key channel where we nurture Techcombank’s five core values:
  • Customer-centricity
  • Work efficiency
  • Collaboration for common objectives
  • Self-Development
  • Innovation and Creativeness.

94% of employees agree that the five core values are consistently demonstrated Bank-wide

YouGov Research 2023 measured our net promoter score (NPS)
Top 5 in the market
Top 4 in the market
Top 2 in the market

All leaders on the same page

Since values are central to our culture, they cannot be compromised. At every level, our leaders must have a shared understanding of what they are, and how value-driven behaviours look for different sections of the Bank. Leaders must live the values at all times and, where appropriate, reward or guide other employees based on how they are meeting our standards.
Senior managers
Teamwork is crucial to a collaborative, diverse and thriving culture so we have 16 ‘joint teams’ – intentionally made up of employees from front-line and back offices, headquarters and branches, and different geographical regions. Heads of Divisions (HoDs) are involved in developing and maintaining the Bank’s culture whether they are managing their own direct reports or a joint team. Each HoD attends a quarterly Culture Report Meeting of top-level Bank executives. They also host a Leader Talk every three months where they are responsible for communicating strategic messages to employees. The forum may even be used to upskill or coach staff.
Empowering the next level of leaders
  • Corporate Culture is embedded in the quality professional development programs we offer our high potential leaders (HIPO) team.
  • We also have an exciting new group of change agents who act as the Bank’s cultural ambassadors. Sponsored by our CEO, this prestigious 300 strong employee team is called REDS. They are chosen for their ability to quickly take on the vision/direction of management and the Board and empower others to do the same, as well as helping others advance professionally. Divided across our 16 joint teams, these early adopters are directed by the REDS Committee on ‘missions’ to lead Culture Journey activities that help spread our core values and promote transformation within the Bank.
In 2023, REDS attended essential training workshops to enhance their cultural and organisational insight. These included:
  • Changing Mindset – adopting new habits to make oneself more effective (this course was also available to some other qualified Bank employees).
  • BEAN – exclusive training for REDS team, which covers ways to encourage behavioural change within the Bank and taking on assigned missions.
Initial results of this program are encouraging – 77% of Bank employees are satisfied with REDS’ activities. We look forward to seeing what this inspiring group can achieve.

Employee voices

Employees are the backbone of our success. They are ‘on the ground’ in the Bank and best placed to identify what we do well and what we can do better as an organisation.
Employees are obviously the best people to answer questions about how to improve their working lives. So, in an effort to make sure we deliver an excellent EVP and maximise value for the Bank, we provide opportunities for employees to offer feedback and share their concerns. Some important ways the Bank listens are:
Employee Engagement Survey:
Our 2023 Employee Engagement Survey (EES) delivered:
  • 97% participation rate
  • 93% culture
  • 87% employee enablement (top 14% of Asia Pacific companies)
  • 82% employee engagement score (top 14% of Asia Pacific companies)
  • 77% employee effectiveness (top 9% of Asia Pacific companies).

Fostering work life balance

This year we introduced our breakthrough Team Active Saturday (TAS) program. Employees can now use Saturday morning for engagement and learning activities, to form a group to generate innovative ideas, or to do physical activity, such as running, together.
TAS is unique because of the flexibility it offers:
  • Anyone: Activities can be held for groups of any size – from all joint team members to divisional teams, to groups or units.
  • Anywhere: There are no logistical limitations. Activities can be done in or out of the office, in person or virtually.
TAS helps Techcomers nurture the two Core Values ‘Collaboration’ and ‘Self-development’ via:
  • Opportunities for networking and engagement with Techcomers who would not be met in a regular work week
  • Innovative learning and development opportunities.
In 2023:
  • Employees participated in an average of 16.6 TASs
  • 39% were spent in cross-functional groups
  • 56% TASs covered culture, business and professional skills (like customer insight, data and technology) and soft skills (such as time-management and mental wellbeing). The other 44% included: engagement activities, team building, and other CSR activities
  • Employee feedback was overwhelmingly positive.


We took a fresh approach to WeKaizen, helping foster 'Innovation and Creativeness' and 'Work efficiency' – two of our Core Values. Everyone can do Kaizen, Kaizen from the smallest thing.
In 2023, we organized a series of Kaizen Coach sessions, allowing employees to learn about lean production model/ utilisation, Agile, and how to leverage automation tools on the system. The joint teams were then asked to generate ideas for improving the Bank’s operations. The teams’ ideas were very different – some Kaizens might save seconds or minutes on a task, while others could save the Bank millions in VND on maintenance costs or by optimising workflow.
Over 1.900 Kaizen were invented and deployed in 2023. We recognised the individual in each team whose Kaizen would have the greatest impact.