Chapter 5 - The Foundation of Tech

Corporate culture

“We built a strong corporate culture around our five core values, with several new initiatives, to deliver on our brand promise to always ‘Be Greater’ ”

Chief Human Resources Officer

Nikki Dang My Quyen


Corporate culture defines who we are

We think of our corporate culture as the Bank’s personality. It tells people who we are and what we stand for. At Techcombank we uphold five core values which are the foundation for our business decisions, our interactions with colleagues and our service to customers.

They enable us to deliver on our brand promise – to always “Be Greater”.

Create sustainable development

Create a competitive advantage

Attract /en/investors/annual-report/2022/talent, and retain employees

Create our organisation’s own identity

Have a strong corporate culture, which can contribute to the Bank’s performance

2022 Highlight

Building on our Employee
Value Proposition (EVP)


of all Bank employees took part in the CEO Culture Award, nominating their favourite Culture Ambassadors


of our top leaders have KPIs reflecting their role in living the Bank’s culture


of those survey agreed that the behaviour of Techcombank leaders frequently reflects our core values


our employees participated in T-Pro

Refreshing and redesigning our
‘Culture Journey’ program

In 2022, our main focus was on living two core values:

  • Customer-centricity
  • Innovation and Creativeness

We also worked on promoting the behaviours we expect against the other three values:

  • Self-development
  • Work efficiency
  • Collaboration for common objectives

Culture Journey Program in

Copyright © 2022 owned by Vietnam Technological and Commercial Joint-stock Bank (Techcombank)

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