With many sophisticated tricks, scammers have taken advantage of cyberspace to commit many crimes, appropriating money and property of many people. Recently, sophisticated Deepfake videocall spoofing technology has emerged that, if you are not alert, you will most likely become the next "victim" of this scam.


1. How deepfake videocalls scam you?


Step 1: Use the algorithm to reconstruct the face and voice in accordance with facial expressions and expressions to

  • Impersonating relatives/friends/colleagues
  • Impersonating a state agencies, police, procuracy, etc.
    Step 2: Make voice/video calls with real-life voice images (via apps like FB/Zalo/Viber...)
Step 3: Ask the victim to transfer money, or scam to appropriate personal information / bank account



2. How to detect a deepfake videocall?

    The call duration is only a few seconds, disconnection due to loss of signal, weak signal
    Current deepfake have trouble realistically animating faces that lacks emotion, unnatural movements, or head and body are positioned awkwardly or inconsistently.
Unusual skin tones, hair or faces that seem to be blurrier than the environment in which they are positioned. Strange lighting or not match with the video background.
The audio might not appear to match the person. There is a lot of noise or no sound in the video. 



3. How to protect yourself?

To prevent losses and protect yourself from these types of fraud, we advise customers to follow the following instructions:

  • Always be wary of requests from unauthenticated calls/SMS/emails, especially requests for money transfer, service installation/activation/upgrade
  • Check the authenticity of the requests by directly contacting the official channels of telecommunications companies, banks, government agencies
  • The bank never asks customers to provide OTP/CVV code, pin code, card number via phone, SMS or any website/social network.


For further information, follow the Guidelines for prevention of financial scams


Please contact Techcombank via the following channels for immediate support if you detect any sign of scam:

  • Techcombank's nationwide branche
  • Customer Service Center (hotline 24/7): 1800588822 (domestic) or (+84) 2439446699 (international
  • Email: call_center@techcombank.com.vn