Credit cards have always been targeted by hackers and thieves. With the surge of credit card scams showing no signs of slowing down, it’s crucial for TCB cardholders to learn how to keep their personal information safe.
1. Scammer tactics |
1.Scammer calls and impersonates bank staff | |
2. Fake SMS brandname/ Email with phishing link | |
3. Brand abuse via fake social media accounts |
2. Scam scenario |
Offering promotion/ reward programs:
Alert credit card issue:
Customer must provide credit card information: card number, CVV code, effective date... to complete receiving rewards/promotions or verify information for troubleshooting
Remember these key tips to avoid being scammed:
To prevent losses and protect yourself from scam, we advise you to follow the Guidelines for prevention of financial scams
Please contact Techcombank via the following channels for immediate support if you detect any sign of scam: